Är kursen för dig som önskar veta mera om hur vi jagade & fiskade förr samt tillverkade vår utrustning med enkla redskap. Vi kommer även att beröra hur man garvar och bereder skinn.
Mat: Egen mat.
Utrustning: Beklädnad efter väder.
Boende: Eget tält el. motsvarande
Kurssyfte: Insikter om samspelet mellan människa & djur i ett jakt och fiske perspektiv med primitiva metoder.
Kursmål: Kunna tillverka enkla och primitiva Jakt och fiske redskap samt bevara (konservera) fisk och vilt
Who is Mikael Åkerman?
You could say the product of an unbroken lineage going back millions of years.
The answer to that question naturally varies depending on who you ask, but if you ask me, I would answer a guy/man who is extremely curious and interested in other people.
Some “wise” person who knows people assessed the undersigned with the letter combination E.N.F.P according to the MBTI. Whether that is good or bad, I don’t know, but I think the description is relatively accurate.
A little holiday chat from the undersigned: radioovik.se/mikael-akerman/
What have I done in the study of the interaction between humans, nature and technology?
Made many important “mistakes” that have perhaps taught me the most
Devoted about thirty years to understanding life and survival in a larger context
Read “Human Nature and Technology” and “Leather Tanning and Sewing” at the Institute for Ancient Technology
Read outdoor education at Linköping University
Inspired and instructed others through many courses, trainings & lectures on the subject
Taught jungle survival in Malaysia, and spent time with the Urangasli (Malaysia’s indigenous people)
On two occasions, did military service abroad in Bosnia and Kosovo.
Been an artistic representative at the exhibition SHELTER at Örnsköldsvik Museum
Visited and stayed with Bedouins in the Baharia Desert in Egypt
Met extremely competent friends in a variety of interesting and important fields
I am and have been quite good at copying the abilities of others, very little of what I have learned I have thought up entirely on my own.
“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from poor judgment.”
The idea of this website is to highlight the important thoughts & skills that I have assessed for my/our (survival) on the conditions of nature. Hope something can inspire you.
Warm regards Mikael